Looking for something FUN language arts to do during Hanukkah? Then you‚Äöll love these Christmas-themed worksheets!
All 8 worksheets come in color and in black & white, giving you a total of 16 worksheets in this set.
You'll receive 3‚Äö words in words‚Äö puzzles, where the student will write down as many words as he can spell with the letters in the given words.
You'll also receive 3 Acrostic Poem worksheets, where your student will create his own acrostic with the given words.
You will also receive 1 Word Search and 1 Word Scramble Puzzle.
Remember - you get 2 of each of these! One is in color, and the other is in black & white!
This ebook format includes a downloadable PDF file. Print as many as you need for your household.