This is a hands-on opportunity to improve knowledge of the Bible books and stories while working on character. This bundle includes Flash Cards, Interactive Foldable Booklets, Copywork, Lapbooks, Mini-Lapbooks, and a Lapbook Journal.
You will receive these 20 ebooks:
- Books of the New Testament Flash Cards for Tablets
- Books of the Old Testament Flash Cards for Tablets
- Books of the Bible Individual Booklet
- Joseph & His Brothers Interactive Foldable Booklet
- Fun Facts: Noah Ark Interactive Foldable Booklet
- Copywork for Building Character: Patience Copywork Notebook
- Copywork for Building Character: Respect Copywork Notebook
- Forgiveness Lapbook
- Modesty Lapbook
- Self-Control Lapbook
- Humility Lapbook
- Respect Lapbook
- Jonah: The Reluctant Prophet Lapbook
- Joseph: Prince of Dreams Lapbook
- Ruth: The Bride of the Kinsman Redeemer Lapbook
- Wonders of Creation Lapbook
- Theory of Intelligent Design Lapbook
- Theory of Intelligent Design Lapbook Journal
- Fruits of the Spirit Mini-Lapbook
- The Ten Commandments Mini-Lapbook
You get all 20 products at one low price! Regular Price: $79.50.
This Bundle is a downloadable PDF file. Just follow the instructions, cut, fold, glue, and create!